May 28th, 2010: 8:30 a.m. Trevor and his parents met with President Bailey who released Trevor. They then went to Provo to meet with Dr. Colledge about 10 a.m. Dr. Colledge explained the problem and showed the MRI and that Trevor had a couple of bulged discs. He explained that there was no reason Trevor could not heal quickly and still serve in Hungary. Trevor expressed a desire to do anything that would speed his recuperation so although Dr. Colledge did not feel that there was anything besides being able to walk and be active he had Trevor see the physical therapist. Trevor met immediately after that appointment with PT, Jim Anderson. Anderson put him through a series of exercises and strength tests and was impressed by Trevor’s ability as he far exceeded all the normal strength tests for a normal person. He then contacted Dr. Colledge and gave him the results. PT Anderson wanted Trevor to do some exercises and a lot of walking and then meet back on the 3rd of June.
Trevor continued to study his scriptures, language, and Preach My Gospel, walk and exercise, play basketball and etc.
June 3, 2010: Trevor met back with PT Anderson, who had him do some exercises and strength tests and told Trevor he was released and told Dr. Colledge.
Trevor’s parents moved his appointment with Dr. Colledge up from June 10th to the 7th.
June 7, 2010: Trevor met with Dr. Colledge who had Trevor do some basic range of motion checks and then said he was good to go and that he would write the release. He did tell Trevor that the only thing he would tell him not to do was sit in his apartment while he was on his mission! The release stated, “Released for full time mission, No restrictions”. That was taken directly to Trevor’s Stake President, President Bailey.
June 8, 2010: An appointment was set up with President Bailey for Trevor to meet with him on Sunday, June 13th at 8:30 a.m.
June 13, 2010: Received a call that President Bailey was ill and would call later that day to talk to Trevor about what he needed to put in a letter to the Missionary Committee. This was the first mention of Trevor having to write any kind of letter to resume his mission.
Trevor’s parents called to talk with President Cardin at the MTC to get some clarification but were only able to leave a message for him. President Cardin returned the call but everyone at the Hansen house was in church.
Trevor received a call from President Bailey about 6:00 p.m. Once instructed as to what was needed in the letter (general health, his testimony and what he had been doing the past 2 weeks) Trevor grabbed the laptop and typed out a letter to move the process speedily forward. Printing the letter Trevor jumped in his truck and delivered the letter to President Bailey at his home.
June 14, 2010: Richard received a call from President Cardin who told Richard that they needed a more detailed letter from Dr. Colledge that included the diagnosis, treatment, and recommendations. When it was received, the Hansens were to take it to the Stake President and he would fax it to Terry Johnson of the missionary committee. Richard called Dr. Colledge’s office requesting the information. In addition to the letter, President Cardin said that Trevor should walk 5 miles for the next 4 days keeping a log of how he felt after. The fax from Dr. Colledge came at 3:41 p.m. Trevor and Richard went walking in the mountains. Trevor walked just over 6 miles. That evening the fax from Dr. Colledge was delivered to President Bailey.
June 15, 2010: Trevor walked 6.01 miles according to the pedometer and played basketball. Trevor and his parents met with President Bailey at 8:00. In that conversation it became apparent that everyone did not seem to be on the same page in regards to Trevor’s resuming his mission to Hungary. There seemed to be some confusion that Trevor had only been in the MTC for 2 weeks (when in reality Trevor had been in the MTC for 12 weeks and had completed the language training for Hungary) and that it was possible that the call would have to be reissued and could possibly be reassigned to another mission if recalled. That if he did still go to Hungary he would have to go to the MTC about July 14th or even later, it is about this time that we lost all consciousness - (better laugh if we can for a second!). President Bailey was very reassuring that we would be able to get things straightened out and that Trevor would serve in Hungary.